Todo List

Member opspace::JPosTrjTask::quickSetup (double dt_seconds, double kp, double kd, double maxvel, double maxacc)
Maybe move this (or something similar) to the superclass?

Member jspace::jspace_controller_info_getter_s::getDOFUnits (Model const &model, std::vector< std::string > &names) const
XXXX yet another place where we hardcode a one-to-one relationship between joints and links, although TAO can express many-to-one relationships here.

Member jspace::Model::getJointName (size_t id) const
A joint can have any number of DOF, which means there should be a way to get at them individually, but currently we only support exactly one 1-DOF joints per node.

Member jspace::Model::getNodeByName (std::string const &name) const
Add support for registering aliases, such as "end-effector" or "End_Effector", which might correspond to "right-gripper" or so depending on the robot.

Member jspace::Model::getNodeByJointName (std::string const &name) const
Add support for registering aliases, just as for getNodeByName().

Member jspace::Model::computeJacobian (taoDNode const *node, double gx, double gy, double gz, Matrix &jacobian) const
Implement support for more than one joint per node, and more than one DOF per joint.

Generated on Fri Aug 26 01:32:15 2011 for Stanford Whole-Body Control Framework by  doxygen 1.5.4